
Screenshot (4) - MS-DOS version of ThingiesThingies? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Or is it... ...a thingie?? This novelty puzzle program is just a little bit of fun to fill a gap in the day.

It's a bit like the TV show "Catch Phrase", except there are no cash prizes! When run the screen clears and you're presented with a simple image which is not what it appears to be. All you have to do is guess what it is!

When you've made your guess, press a key and the answer is revealed. Yes, that's all there is to it.

MS-DOS Version

Originally released as shareware for the PC market in 1995. Requirements were 512k RAM, DOS 3.3 upwards and a VGA or better monitor to run on.

Mobile Version

Estimated release date: Winter, 2027


Plans to re-release our back-catalogue are now underway for the mobile phone and tablet market, including Android and iOS devices.

If you would be interested in hearing when any of our software is due to be re-released or potentially being a beta tester, please let us know via our support page.

Dave Barton


Please note, all Bozz Software products past and present are protected by international copyright law. Any attempt to replicate them in whole or in part without the explicit permission of Bozz Software will be pursued through legal channels.

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